08 August 2010

Mastering Swedish lesson 5

I will be posting video's from YouTube from time to time that I have found to be useful or just fun to watch or listen to.

I will post the videos as I have time and or happen to stumble across them. Where possible, I will try to post them in order.

Please be adviced that some of these videos may contain some bad language or rude humour. I do not take responsibility for what is contained within the videos.

Mastering Swedish lesson 4

I will be posting video's from YouTube from time to time that I have found to be useful or just fun to watch or listen to.

I will post the videos as I have time and or happen to stumble across them. Where possible, I will try to post them in order.

Please be adviced that some of these videos may contain some bad language or rude humour. I do not take responsibility for what is contained within the videos.

Mastering Swedish lesson 3

I will be posting video's from YouTube from time to time that I have found to be useful or just fun to watch or listen to.

I will post the videos as I have time and or happen to stumble across them. Where possible, I will try to post them in order.

Please be adviced that some of these videos may contain some bad language or rude humour. I do not take responsibility for what is contained within the videos.

15 July 2010

Mastering Swedish lesson 2

I will be posting video's from YouTube from time to time that I have found to be useful or just fun to watch or listen to.

I will post the videos as I have time and or happen to stumble across them. Where possible, I will try to post them in order.

Please be adviced that some of these videos may contain some bad language or rude humour. I do not take responsibility for what is contained within the videos.

14 July 2010

Mastering Swedish lesson 1

I will be posting video's from YouTube from time to time that I have found to be useful or just fun to watch or listen to.

I will post the videos as I have time and or happen to stumble across them. Where possible, I will try to post them in order.

Please be adviced that some of these videos may contain some bad language or rude humour. I do not take responsibility for what is contained within the videos.

08 May 2010

Vocabulary 7

sprint = sprinterlopp
a marathon = ett maratonlopp
long jump = längdhopp
high jump = höjdhopp
triple jump = trestegshopp
discus = diskus
javelin = spjut
shot put = kulstötning
hiking boots = vandringskängor
a rope = ett rep


a rucksack = en ryggsäck
a map = en karta
a compass = en kompass
a tent = ett tält
to run = att springa
to jump = att hoppa
to pass = att passa
to throw = att kasta
to tackle = att tackla
to slide = att glida
to return = att returnera
to hit = att slå
to catch = att fånga
to spin = att skruva
to dash = att rusa
a touchdown = en marksättning
a goal = ett mål
a try (rugby) = ett försök
a penalty = en straff
a slam dunk = en dunkning

a ball = en boll
a puck = en puck
a hockey stick = en landhockeyklubba
a racket = en racket
a bat = ett slagträ
a helmet = en hjälm
a wicket = en grind
a hoop = en ring
a starting block = ett startblock
chess = schack
draughts = damspel

Vocabulary 6

involved = engagerad
to support = att störra
relegation = nedflyttning
amazing = fantastisk
a tight angle = en svår vinkel
to score goals = att göra mål
a thrill = spänning
to relate to = att relatera till
a victory = en seger
a groove = en räffla
nasally = med näsan
a prong = en pigg
lonely = ensam
a shamrock = en treklöver
molecule = molekyl
a disciple = en lärjunge
a collection = en samling
an eraser = ett suddgummi
a foreign coin = ett utländskt mynt
a cuddly toy = ett kramdjur

odd = konstig
a figurine = en prydnadsfigur
china (dish wear) = porslin
plaster = gips
an attic = ett vindsutrymme
a display = en utställning
to brew = att brygga
an item = ett föremål

Vocabulary 5

outdoor activity = utomhusaktivitet
exercise = träning
an image = en bild
in good shape = i god form
a description = en beskrivning
a crowd = en folksamling
to annoy = att reta
honest = ärlig
to involve = att innebära
determination = beslutsamhet
proud = stolt
exciting = spännande
college = högskola
unfortunately = tyvärr
surroundings = omgivning
chilly = kylig

a border = en gräns
a layer = ett lager
to crunch = att knastra
obviously = självklart
to climb = att klättra
tricky = krånglig
scaffolding = byggnadsställning
to sneak = att smyga
cheecky = fräck
illegal = olaglig

20 April 2010

Fun Swedish Video

Here is a fun video that allows you to learn some basic Swedish:


19 April 2010

Vocabulary 4

age = ålder
a child = ett barn
a teenager = en tonåring
in his mid teens = i tonåren
in his late teens = i sena tonåren
in his late 20s = strax under 30
middle aged = medelålders
old = gammal

face = ansikte
thin = smalt
lips = läppar
nose = näsa
chin = haka
long = långt
round = runt
eyes = ögon
green = gröna
brown = bruna
blue = blå
grey = grå
eyelashes = fransar
eyebrows = ögonbryn

hair = hår
short = kort
long = långt
straight = rakt
curly = lockigt
unbrushed = oborstat
black = svart
brown = brunt
ginger/red = rött
blonde = blont
height = längd
short = kort
tall = lång
medium height = medelläng
below average = under medel
taller than average = över medel
build (body) = kroppsbyggnad
thin = smal
fat = fet
broad shouldered = bredaxlad
well built = välbyggd
medium build = normalt byggd
characteristics = särdrag
glasses = glasögon
wrinkles = rynkor
freckles = fräknar
a scar = ett ärr
sideburns = polisonger
a beard = ett skägg
cloths = kläder

fashionable = moderiktig
casual = ledig
elegant = elegant
sloppy = sjaskig
smart = stilig
well dressed = välklädd
personality = personlighet
friendly = vänlig
quiet = tystlåten
reliable = pålitlig
thoughtful = eftertänksam
amusing = underhållande
moody = lynnig, vresig
lively = livlig
sociable = social
anisocial = asocial

08 April 2010

Vocabulary 3

a profile = ett porträtt
indoor = inomhus
a nickname = ett smeknamn, öknamn
a habit = en vana
a concert = en konsert
a phrase = ett uttryck
a fear = en rädsla
birds or a feather flock together = lika barn leka bäst
cordless = sladdlös
a height = en häjd
a view = en uppfattning

to differ = att skilja sig åt
a horoscope = ett horoskop
alignment = placering
a piece of advice = ett råd
to make sense = att låta vettigt
to affect = att påverka
to behave = att uppföra sig
a prediction = en förutsägelse
the zodiac = djurkretsen i astrologi
scientific proof = vetenskapligt bevis
to disagree = att inte hålla med
to make something up = att hitta på någonting
a competition = en tävling
to tease = att retas
to boss a person about = att köra med någon
to impress = att imponera
to tiny up = att städa upp
an obsession = en besatthet
to boast = att skryta
a mood = en sinnesstämining
to pretend = att låtsas
to be fair = att vara rättvis
mysterious = mystisk
to spend = att tillbringa
sly = listig
upsetting = upprörande
to tell a joke = att berätta en vits

to complain = att klaga
annoying = irriterande
terrible = hemsk, fruktansvärd

Vocabulary 2

registration = närvarokoll
homework = läxa
physics = fysik
stale beer = avslagen öl
to lean over = att luta sig över
to breathe = att andas
to leer = att snegla
horrible = hemskt
a mint = en mintkaramell
a hint = en vink
to tell someone off = att läxa upp någon
to please = att behaga, tillfredsställa
to bug = att reta
a cause = en anledning
a direktion = en riktning
a dolphin = en delfin

stuck = fast
to lack = att sakna
sadness = sorgsenhet
to perform = att uppträda
a human = en människa
to free = att befria
a feeling = an känsla
to giggle = att fnittra
a hoop = en ring, ett tunnband
backwards = baklänges
right next to = alldeles intill
concrete = betong
surrounded = omringad
a fence = ett stängsel
how on earth = hur i all världen
a crane = en lyftfran
a dolphin keeper = en delfinskötare
to survive = att överleva
a link = en förbindelselänk
length of life = livslängd
a grate = ett galler
a trap door = en lucka
fully clothed = helt påklädd
towards = i riktning mot
in a moment = på ett ögonblick
no looking back = ingen återvändo

25 March 2010

Vocabulary 1

to borrow = att låna (från någon)
a crayon = en krita
a ruler = en linjal
neat = ordentlig
straight = stram
clever = begåvad
proud = stolt
a carpet = en matta
to tidy = att städa
a packed lunch = en lunchlåda

a freezer = en frys
marked = märkt
a lawn = en gräsmatta
a servant = en tjänare
to decide = att bestämma
a while = en stund
a task = ett uppdrag
to toss = att kasta
to cause a stir = att ställa till det
to cope = att klara av
in a state of shock = i chocktillstånd
loads of = massor av
a pencil case = ett pennfodral
to end up = att sluta med
ill = sjuk

13 March 2010

Swedish coach - Carolyn Oakstar

Carolyn Oakstar is a lovely, helpful life coach and Swedish teacher, who is here to help you!

She has a daughter named Alexandra and has lived is USA as well as Sweden. She is currently working as a life coach at Life Coach Business Consulting in Stockholm, Sweden. Carolyn is a talented teacher and is wanting to use her teaching skills by helping students improve through personal training.

If you would like her to help you contact her with the following information:

Email: coakstar@yahoo.com
Yahoo: carolynoastar
Skype: sophistes101
Also feel free to add her on Facebook.

06 March 2010

Swedish course Nivå A1

With my second Swedish course, Swedish Nivå A1, I am not planning on doing a week by week information post.  This course was focussed a lot more of practising our spoken Swedish and I do not have as many notes from our classes.  I will however share my class notes that I do have, in this post.

Det ligger i NORRA/SÖDRA/ÖSTRA/VÄSTRA Sverige.

Map of Sweden
Vad gör du idag?
What are you doing today?

Perfekt tense (Supinen):
Vad har du gjort idag?
What have you done today?

Imperfekt tense (Preteritum):
Vad gjorde du idag?
What did you do today?

Har du träffa kungen någon gång?
  •  Nej, jag har aldrig träffat honom.
  • Ja, ja träffade honom.
  • Ja, jag träffade honom i 1994/i somras/fören vecka sedan.

Did you meet the king at some point?
  •     No, I have never met him.
  •     Yes, yes met him.
  •     Yes, I met him in 1994 / last summer / last week.

Jag bodde i Danmark ett tag / i sex månade
I lived in Denmark for a while / in six-month

Betala böter = Pay fine, t.ex Parkeringsböter

Duktig = Good/Well
Försökt = Try
Använder = Use
Mulet = Completely overcast
Molnigt = Partly overcast
Öken = Desert

Liten = Used to describe an item
Lite = Used to describe situation or condition (non-item)

Det är halt ute = It is slippery outside
Det är stor risk för rast = There is a high risk of breakages/collapse
Snöskred = Snow damage
Fallande istappar = Falling icicles
Annorlunda = Otherwise/Not normal, but not in a negetive manner
Olika = Different
Vänster = Left
Höger = Right

Jag är här. = I am here.
Jag gå hit. = I go here.

Direktion - Position
hit - här
dit - där
vart - var
ut - ute
in - inne
hem - hemma

Förlåt mig....
Kan du hjälp mig?
Jag vill ha....

Kan jag få....
Jag vill ha....
Var finns....
Har du-ni....

någon = some/any
en pulka = sled
norrsken = northern lights
en hundspann = dog sled
mellanklass = middle class
dygnet runt = 24 hours a day

 The Northern Lights

03 March 2010

Crazy weather in Sweden!

So this winter marks the coldest winter Sweden has had in 22 years! I have no words to describe how severe it has been, so I will just post some articles from www.thelocal.se

I will say one thing about this though... If you can look past the chaos, it has been lots of fun and truly beautiful. I am happy to have experienced a winter of this enormity.  Sweden's weather has however made a drastic change and spring is definately on its way. =)

Snowfalls cause widespread travel chaos

Published: 22 Feb 10 07:53 CET
Online: http://www.thelocal.se/25128

The harsh snowy weather continues to cause widespread disruption to train and public transport services on Monday.

Infrastructure Minister Åsa Torstensson has called the situation a "catastrophe" arguing that the National Rail Administration (Banverket) has not been taking its full maintenance responsibility for a long period of time.

Torstensson was also scathing of the way passengers have been treated over a weekend of delays and cancellations.

"Information is decisive in such a chaotic situation and it has not been adequate. People are not receiving information when they are sitting on the platform," she complained.

The Stockholm area is the hardest hit with the local transport authority, SL, warning people to stay at home on Monday if possible.

Large scale disruption in metro services has been forecast and temperatures as low as -25 Celsius have called a halt to train services from the capital to Gothenburg.

Many commuter rail services which run above ground were replaced with buses on Sunday night - affecting part of the green and red lines south with limited services set to persist into Monday.

Commuter services from Gnesta to Järna will be replaced by buses. Elsewhere trains will run at 25 percent of normal service.

As a result of the train and metro disruption, taxi services are reporting a high demand for their cars and long waits can be expected on Monday morning as rush hour commuters attempt to get to work.

At Slussen - one of the main metro and bus junctions in central Stockholm - arriving passengers were met with loud-speaker messages this morning urging them to walk or hail a taxi in order to continue their journeys.

National rail operator SJ experienced problems on its homepage over the weekend as server capacity proved inadequate. Access to SL's homepage was only sporadic on Monday morning as passengers scrambled to find information.

On the west coast, commuter services will run limited services on the Kungsbacka-Göteborg and Alingsås-Göteborg routes.

In southern regions, transport links are reported to be running as scheduled but the meteorological office, SMHI, has warned of problems later on Monday as winds and snow storms draw in.

Train services across the country are expected to experience problems for the remainder of the week despite attempts by the Rail Administration to reinforce staff numbers and battle to keep tracks clear of ice and snow and trains running.

Transport hit as snowstorms ravage Sweden

Published: 21 Feb 10 11:42 CET
Updated: 21 Feb 10 13:49 CET
Online: http://www.thelocal.se/25124

Sweden came to a near standstill over the weekend when wind-packed snowstorms blanketed a nation still recovering from earlier snowfalls. Citizens were advised to remain homebound when possible, until railway tracks and highways were cleared.

Key intercity and commuter train services were cancelled, for the most part, as personnel worked around the clock to clear snow and ice from tracks and frozen switches. Passengers were advised to check appropriate websites for updated schedules before heading for stations.

Alternative bus transport could not be assured because of highway conditions.

Ambulance and rescue services were also delayed over the weekend. “People have had to wait for ambulances. We’ve had several cases where ambulances have found it very difficult to arrive. This has been a problem throughout the southern part of the country,” said Anders Klarström, spokesman at SOS Alarm Sverige (Sweden).

It has been the worst winter in 22 years. Klarström said northern Sweden managed better because the region is more accustomed to severe winters. But “you can see with your naked eyes that resources in the southern regions simply don’t suffice. We simply weren’t prepared to deal with as much snow as we’ve experienced this winter.”

It was unclear when the important Stockholm-Göteborg train route would be fully operational. Over the weekend about ten of these trains were running up to 15 hours late, according to the information department of Swedish Railways (SJ).

In Göteborg, Frida Grönberg boarded a Stockholm-bound train at 1:30 Saturday afternoon. Just before arriving in Hallsberg the train came to a dead halt. Switches had frozen.

According to the newspaper Aftonbladet, Grönberg and fellow travelers spent the night in an atmosphere of confusion and outright aggressiveness. The mood was grim. “I saw a passenger who opened an emergency door and simply jumped out,” she told the newspaper.

Personnel had no information whatsoever. “They wandered about, and sweared. They heard nothing from management

“There were no buses, nothing.”

The train was still stuck at 2 am Sunday morning when somebody got very sick. A conductor walked about and asked if there were any doctors onboard. “This is an emergency. I’ve got to ring 112 (emergency telephone service),” he said.

Thirty minutes later the train finally got underway for the long trip to Stockholm, and got as far as Södertälje near the Swedish capital before getting stuck once again. “We couldn’t take it anymore, and disembarked. We managed to get a taxi that drove us to a youth hostel.”

Worst hit was Western Sweden. In the province of Västergötland, special vehicles with chains were deployed to deliver insulin and other vital medicines to the homes of chronically sick citizens.

Numerous accidents were reported on the nation’s highways, “but in spite of extremely poor road conditions the number of truly serious accidents was relatively low,” said Thomas Andersson, information manager at the Swedish Road Administration (Vägverket).

Snow-laden rooftops verging on collapse posed a hazard. Part of a shopping center in Jönköping was sealed off after shoppers noticed alarming conditions. The roof of a recreational center in Borås collapsed during football training. Nobody was hurt.

In the past two weeks collapsing roofs have raised questions about their construction. Until the end of the 1980s the construction of rooftops was overseen by an independent inspector. Since then, the contractors themselves have been given this task.

11 February 2010

Swedish verb tenses!

I found the following information on Wikiversity and it was very useful to me. I hope it helps! (I take no credit for this work, it's literally copy and paste) =)

The Swedish verb has quite a few tenses. But these are, like with English, created by the help of auxiliary verbs. (N.B. Swedish does not change the verb depending on which grammatical person acts).

The regular verb arbeta

Tense English Swedish
Infinitiv To work (Att) arbeta
Present Tense I work Jag arbetar
Past Tense, Imperfect Aspekt I worked Jag arbetade
Past Tense, Perfect Aspekt I have worked Jag har arbetat
Future Tense, Futurum Simplex I will work Jag ska arbeta

The irregular verb gå

Tense English Swedish
Infinitiv To walk (Att) gå
Present Tense I walk Jag går
Past Tense, Imperfect Aspekt I walked Jag gick
Past Tense, Perfect Aspekt I have walked Jag har gått
Future Tense, Futurum Simplex I will walk Jag ska gå

The irregular verbs vara, ha and ska/skulle are used in complex verb tenses in much the same way as be, have, will/would are used in English.


(att) vara to be
jag var I was
jag har varit I have been
jag är I am


(att) ha to have
jag hade I had
jag har haft I have had
jag har I have

ska & skulle

jag ska I will
jag skulle I would

Past tense, imperfect aspekt of the verb arbeta:

jag arbetade I worked
du arbetade you worked
han arbetade he worked
hon arbetade she worked
den arbetade it worked
det arbetade it worked
man arbetade you worked
vi arbetade we worked
ni arbetade you worked
de arbetade they worked

Really simple and similar in both languages!

Example sentences

Jag arbetade igår. I worked yesterday.
Det har gått ett år. One year has passed.
Ni ska arbeta i morgon. You will work tomorrow.
De gick och arbetade i parken. They went for work in the park. or They walked and worked in the park.
De arbetade och gick i parken. They worked and walked in the park.
Vi skulle har gått dit. We should have walked there.
Jag hade tur. I was lucky.
Jag arbetar (nu). I am working.
Jag arbetar två dagar i veckan. I work two days a week.

Example Text

Kalles väg till arbetet

Det var morgon. Kalle gick ut på gatan. Han skulle gå vägen till arbetet. Den här vägen hade han gått många gånger förut. "När jag har arbetat klart ska jag gå hem igen.", sa Kalle. "Fast då går jag nog en annan väg!"

Kalle's way to his work.

It was morning. Kalle entered the street. He would walk the road to his work. This road he had walked many times before. "When I've finished work I will walk home again.", Kalle said. "But then I'll probably walk another route!"

annan another, other
den här/det här this
då then
fast but (in spoken language)
förut previously
att arbeta klart to finish work
ett arbete a work
en gata a street
(att) gå to walk
(att) gå dit to walk there
(att) gå ut to exit
(att) gå ut på to enter [a street], to go to [the pub], to mean something
en gång one time
(att) ha to have
(att) ha tur to be lucky
ett hem a home
en morgon a morning
nu now
många many
nog probably, enough
när when
en pub a pub
(att) säga to say
vad what
en väg a road, way, route

09 February 2010

Beginners Swedish Week 6

Första, andra, trejde, fjärde, femte, sjätte, sjunde, åttonde, nionde, tionde, elfte, tolfte, trettonde, fjortonde, femtonde, sextonde, sjuttonde, artonde, nittonde, tjugonde.

First, second, third, fourth, fith, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth.

Berätta om en sak som du gjorde igar.
Tell us what you did yesterday.

Ta hand om : take care of
Ingeting : nothing
Flyttade : moved
Lägenhet : appartment
I stället : instead
Varje helg : every weekend
Varje dag : every day
Tråkigt : boring
Olika sorters musik : different sorts of music
Ett nöje : entertainment
På scen : on stage
En föreställning : performance
Sista : Last
Fritt Inträde : free entrance

Oregelbundna : Infinitiv
drömde : drömma
fick : få
var : vara
hjälpte : hjälpa
bodde : bo
hade : ha
ringde : ringa
kom : komma

en bror : 2 bröder : brother
en syster : 2 systrar : sister
en son : 2 söner : son
en dotter : 2 döttrar : daughter
en mor : 2 mödrar : mother
en far : 2 fäder : father

Beginners Swedish Week 5

The following will be presented in this manner:

Verb - Present tense - Past tense : English
Köra - Kör - Körde : Drive
Cykla - Cyklar - Cyklade : Cyckle
Vakna - Vaknar - Vaknade : Wake
Dansa - Dansar - Dansade : Dance
Baka - Bakar - Bakade : Bake
Åka - Åker - Åkte : Travel
Städa - Städar - Städade : Clean
Läsa - Läser - Läste : Read
Äta - Äter - Åt : Eat
Sjunga - Sjunger - Sjöng : Sing
Dricka - Dricker - Drack : Drink
Rida - Rider - Red : Ride (eg. Horse)
Skriva - Skriver - Skrev : Write
Gå - Går - Gick : Go

Jag är sjuk : I am sick
Jag är förskyld : I have a cold

Vad kostar en teve/den där teven? Den kostar 500 kronor. (En-words in a question gets an en-word in the answer.)
Hur mycket är ett dataspel/det där dataspelet? Det kostar 100 kronor. (Ett-words in a question gets an ett-word in the answer.)

Vilka är fruktor? Which are fruit?
Druvor : Grapes
Apelsiner : Oranges
Bananer : Banannas
Äpplen : Apples
Päron : Pears

Vilka är grönsaker?
Paprikor : Peppers
Gurkor : Cucumbers
Purjolökar : Leeks
Potatis : Potatoes
Spenat : Spinach

Helgen : Weekend
Grabben, titta här! : You, look here!
Rea, rea! : Sale, sale!
Extrapris : Special price
Styckpris : Price per item.
Alla är överens : Everyone agrees
På landet : In the country side
Både : Both

Ofta : Often
Sällan : Seldom
Alltid : Always
Aldrig : Never
Inte : Not
Ibland : Sometimes

Jag går sällan på bio. : I seldom go to the cinema.
(Note the placement of sällan, it is placed within the sentence. This applies with all the above mentioned except Ibland, see below.)

Ibland går jag på bio. : Sometimes I go to the cinema.
Jag går på bio ibland. : I go the the cinema, sometimes.
(Note the placement of ibland, it gets placed either at the start or the end of a sentence)

Why? : Varför?
Because : Eftersom, därför att, PGA att (på grund av) att, för