Jag heter....
Vad heter du?
i förnamn
i efternamn
My name is....
What is your name?
First name
Last name/Surname
Jag = I
Du = you (refering to one person)
Han = he (Killar/Pojkar = boys)
Hon = she (Tjejer/Flikor = girls)
Den/Det = it (en/ett depending on the gender of the words)
Ni = you (refering to a group)
Vi = we (everyone, including the speaker)
De = them/they (indirect)
EN minut = minute
EN timme = hour
EN dag = day
EN vecka = week
EN månad = month
ETT år = year
Lyssna = listen
Höra = hear
Prata = speak
Tala = talk
Läsa = read
Skriva = write
Träna = train (practice)
Fråga = question
Förstå = understand
ETT ord = word
EN ordbok = dictionary
EN sida = page
EN läxa = homework
EN rast = break/rest
Brand = fire
Mobil = mobile phone
Dator = computer
Kaffeautomat = coffee machine/vending machine
Och = and
Men = but
Inte = not
Samma = same
Hemma = at home
Hej då = good bye
Vi ses = we meet again/"see you soon"
When a word starts with "g", "k" and "sk" and thereafter followed by "a", "o", "u" or "å", these sounds should be pronounced hard.
However, if the same first letter is followed by "e", "i", "y", "ä" and "ö", these sounds should be pronounced softly.
Bra = good
Dålig = bad
Rätt = correct/right
Fel = mistake/wrong
Ja = yes
Nej = no
Lätt = easy
Svår = difficult
Viktig = important
Bara = only
Eller = or
Gillar = like to/enjoy
Motsatsen = opposites
Bor = live
Börja = start/begin
Sluta = end/finish
Pluggar = student
Läkare = doctor
Meningar = sentence
Prov = test
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