30 November 2009

Beginners Swedish Week 2

The verbs below are in the following order:
Infinitive -> Present -> Imperfect -> Perfect

To talk = att prata -> pratar -> pratade -> pratat
To live = att bo -> bor -> bodde -> bott
To be = att vara -> är -> var -> varit
To exist = att finnas -> finns -> fanns -> funnits
To have = att ha -> har -> hade -> haft

95% of verbs end in -a in the infinitive form.
The infinitive marker is 'att', which corresponds to 'to' in English.
There are 2 basic groups of verbs - regular and irregular - most verbs are regular.
Most irregular verbs end in -ar in the present tense.

To make a verb negative we add the work 'inte' after it (jag kommer inte), but if the sentence contains 2 verbs we place 'inte' after the first verb (Jag kan inte komma).

To form a yes/no question we reverse the verb and the subject (kommer du?), but to form an open question we place a question word first (När kommer du?).

The nouns below are in the following order:
a noun -> the noun -> nouns -> the nouns

Bus = en buss -> bussen -> bussar -> bussarna
Banana = en banan -> bananen -> bananer -> bananerna
Girl = en flicka -> flickan -> flickor -> flickorna
Child = ett barn -> barnet -> barn -> barnen
Apple = ett äpple -> äpplet -> äpplen -> äpplena

When you learn a noun, you need to find out what the indefinite article is for the noun and this too needs to be learnt. The indefinite article is either en or ett. Most nouns are en words and most en words have a plural form.

If an en word ends with 'a' the plural is -or, otherwise with a few exceptions the plural ends in -ar or -er.

Most ett words don't have a plural form, however if an ett word ends with a vowel the plural in -n.

ett yrke = professions
kanske = perhaps
trött = tired
pigg = awake
att hälsa på = to visit
att tycket = to know (opinion)
på tänker = to think
att tror = to believe
det här = this here
det här = that there

Gissa en gång till. = Guess one more time.
Jag är för ung. = I am too young.
Jag är kär i ... = I am inlove with ...
Jag ska hälsa på min mamma sen. = I will visit my mother soon.
Det var allt. = That is all.

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